Innovation will fuel e-mobility adoption

Evolving consumer demands are also helping e-mobility gain mainstream traction. In fact, automotive consulting firm AutoPacific reports that consumer demand in the U.S. increased to 5.6% of total light vehicle sales in 2022. This number was 3.3% in 2021. One reason for this uptick is that consumers are looking for eco-friendly alternatives to traditional transportation […]

Modernizing the automotive industry: Creating a seamless customer experience 

The automotive sector generates vast amounts of data; and the amount of this data will only continue to increase as autonomous and connected vehicles collect real-time data on customer habits and preferences. Turning this data into relevant insights depends on a company’s approach to innovation.    Compared to a phone application, a connected vehicle software malfunction […]

The Download: IBM’s quantum ambitions, and tasting lab-grown burgers

What’s happening: Last year, IBM took the record for the largest quantum computing system with a processor containing 433 quantum bits, or qubits, the fundamental building blocks of quantum information processing. Now, the company has set its sights on a much bigger target: a 100,000-qubit machine that it aims to build within 10 years. Why […]

Te Reo Māori digital technology terms.

These are terms shared via the weekly pānui in alphabetical order by english term and updated every week. There are often multiple Te Reo Māori words for each of the technology terms. Algorithm = hātepe Calculate = tatau Computer = rorohiko Computer screen = mata rorohiko Computer software = pūmanawa rorohiko Computer virus = ngārara […]

Here’s what a lab-grown burger tastes like

We started with a plant-based burger from Impossible Foods. Founded in 2011, the company makes meat alternatives from plants. The special ingredient is heme protein, which is cranked out by genetically engineered microbes and sprinkled in for that meaty flavor. I took a small bite of the Impossible burger, and if you ask me, the […]

IBM wants to build a 100,000-qubit quantum computer

Quantum computing holds and processes information in a way that exploits the unique properties of fundamental particles: electrons, atoms, and small molecules can exist in multiple energy states at once, a phenomenon known as superposition, and the states of particles can become linked, or entangled, with one another. This means that information can be encoded […]

Microsoft Build: Software giant continues its march towards AI-everything 

Microsoft continues to make the most of its multi-billion dollar investment in OpenAI unveiling a suite of AI tools set to become key features of Windows 11, Microsoft 365 and its Bing search engine. Microsoft’s Build 2023 conference for software developers held this week was dominated by AI-related product annoucements. The key ones included: Satya […]

The lightning onset of AI—what suddenly changed? An Ars Frontiers 2023 recap

Enlarge / On May 22, Benj Edwards (left) moderated a panel featuring Paige Bailey (center), Haiyan Zhang (right) for the Ars Frontiers 2023 session titled, “The Lightning Onset of AI — What Suddenly Changed?” Ars Technica reader comments 17 with On Monday, Ars Technica hosted our Ars Frontiers virtual conference. In our fifth panel, we […]

Chinese state hackers infect critical infrastructure throughout the US and Guam | Getty Images reader comments 19 with A Chinese government hacking group has acquired a significant foothold inside critical infrastructure environments throughout the US and Guam and is stealing network credentials and sensitive data while remaining largely undetectable, Microsoft and governments from the US and four other countries said on Wednesday. The group, tracked […]