Xero opens up support for all Auckland small business owners

ITP Team. 08 November 2021, 3:49 pm Accounting software giant Xero have announced they’re extending their Xero Assistance Programme – an initiative that gives small business owners free and confidential counselling – to all business owners in Auckland, regardless of whether they’re Xero customers. After 78 consecutive days in lockdown, we know there is an […]

Griffin on Tech: Powerpoint in the Metaverse?

Peter Griffin, Editor. 08 November 2021, 3:42 pm Hard on the heels of Facebook’s rebranding of Meta, comes Microsoft promising to give us digital avatars for Teams meetings and entire virtual worlds to hold our business meetings in. The reactions to the two tech giants laying out their vision for the Metaverse in the last […]

These parents built a school app. Then the city called the cops

Enlarge / Öppna Skolplattformen hoped to succeed where Skolplattform had failed. Comstock | Getty Images reader comments 0 with 0 posters participating Share this story Christian Landgren’s patience was running out. Every day the separated father of three was wasting precious time trying to get the City of Stockholm’s official school system, Skolplattform, to work […]

Starlink gives mixed signals on whether some preorders are delayed until 2023

reader comments 11 with 8 posters participating Share this story Starlink has provided an encouraging update for preorderers who unexpectedly had their estimated delivery dates delayed to 2022 or 2023, but the Starlink website is still displaying delayed delivery dates to people who were previously told to expect service in 2021. As we reported Tuesday, […]

US astronomers want a giant telescope to hunt for new Earth-like planets

Using spectroscopy, which examines how matter and light interact, astronomers will now begin to study the atmospheres of large, hot worlds for evidence of biosignatures, or signs of life on other planets. The second new priority announced in the report: seeking to understand what happened during the earliest moments of our universe by probing the […]

From Singapore to LA via Invercargill – Hawaiki’s new subsea cable

Peter Griffin, Editor. 04 November 2021, 10:57 am Cable consortium Hawaiki has confirmed its plans for a second cable, one that will span 22,000km connecting New Zealand to the US, Australia and Southeast Asia. The Hawaiki Nui cable will feature spurs into Invercargill, Dunedin and Christchurch, the first international subsea cable to specifically serve the […]

FCC approves Boeing satellites, rejecting SpaceX’s interference claims

Enlarge / Boeing office building in Arlington, Virginia. Getty Images | Olivier Douliery reader comments 34 with 20 posters participating Share this story The Federal Communications Commission today gave Boeing permission to launch 147 broadband satellites. While that’s a fraction of the number of satellites approved for other low Earth orbit (LEO) constellations, the decision […]

Hackers are stealing data today so quantum computers can crack it in a decade

“The threat of a nation-state adversary getting a large quantum computer and being able to access your information is real,” says Dustin Moody, a mathematician at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). “The threat is that they copy down your encrypted data and hold on to it until they have a quantum computer.” […]